
  • Schedule

View the online Schedule for the conference and its events.

  • Keynote Speakers

Visit the Keynotes webpage to learn more about Keynote talks and speakers.

  • Rememberance: David B. Martin (1972-2016)

Remembering David B. Martin and his Ethnographic Studies of Crowd Workers, presented by Benjamin Hanrahan (Penn State University).

Visit the rememberance webpage to learn more about David Martin's work and publications.

  • Accepted Papers & Conference Proceedings

View the list of all Accepted Papers and the Full Paper Proceedings.

  • Paper Awards

Review and Selection Process
As is typical in many conferences, HCOMP submissions are reviewed on a double-blind basis, meaning that Program Committee (PC) members do not know who wrote a given paper they are reviewing. This is done in order to help ensure a fair review process for all authors, so that papers are reviewed on their merit and not on the reputations of their authors. Since this is the first year HCOMP adopted a two-tier PC structure for reviewing submissions, it should be noted that neither PC members nor Senior PC members knew who authored what paper, even at the final PC meeting where papers were discussed and acceptance decisions voted upon.

This year, 7 papers appearing at HCOMP 2016 received a strong average review score of 2.0 or higher, and the Senior PC decided to nominate these 7 top-scoring papers for paper awards. Awards were determined by a vote of the full Senior PC. Over a period of several weeks, the Senior PC reviewed these 7 papers and cast their votes. As with the original review process, a blind review process was used, meaning that the originally-submitted, anonymized papers were reviewed for awards, rather than the finalized, camera-ready versions of papers identifying authors.

The following papers below were selected as HCOMP 2016 Awardees.

Best Paper Award
 Why Is That Relevant? Collecting Annotator Rationales for Relevance Judgments
 Tyler Mcdonnell (University of Texas at Austin), Matthew Lease (University of Texas at Austin), Mucahid Kutlu (Qatar University) and Tamer Elsayed (Qatar University)

Best Paper Finalists
 Efficient Techniques for Crowdsourced Top-k Lists
 Luca de Alfaro, Vassilis Polychronopoulos and Neoklis Polyzotis (University of California, Santa Cruz)

 Extending Workers' Attention Span Through Dummy Events
 Avshalom Elmalech (Bar-Ilan University), David Sarne (Bar-Ilan University), Esther David (Ashkelon College) and Chen Hajaj (Bar-Ilan University)