Conference Organizers

Conference Co-Chairs


Ece Kamar


Kurt Luther

Virginia Tech

Blue Sky Papers Co-Chairs

Joel Chan

University of Maryland

Siddharth Suri


Works-in-progress & Demonstrations Co-Chairs

Danna Gurari

University of Texas at Austin

Adish Singla

Max Planck Institute for Software Systems

Workshops Co-Chairs

Alexander Quinn

Purdue University

Doctoral Consortium Co-Chairs

David Sarne

Bar-Ilan University

Saiph Savage

Northeastern University

Industry & Sponsorships Co-Chairs

Yung-Ju (Stanley) Chang

National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taiwan

Social Media and Publicity Co-Chairs

Lydia Manikonda

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Alex Williams


CrowdCamp Co-Chairs

Ting-Hao (Kenneth) Huang

Pennsylvania State University

Amy Pavel

Carnegie Mellon University

Technology Co-Chairs

Shayan Doroudi

University of California, Irvine

Sang Won Lee

Virginia Tech

Website Co-Chairs

Eureka Foong

The University of Tokyo

Associate Chairs


IIT Delhi

Lora Aroyo


Jeffrey Bigham

Carnegie Mellon University and Apple

Steven Dow

UC San Diego

Ashish Goel

Stanford University

Benjamin Hanrahan

Pennsylvania State University

Chinmay Kulkarni

Carnegie Mellon University

Matthew Lease

University of Texas at Austin and Amazon

Chris Welty


Program Committee

Gagan Bansal

University of Washington

Samantha Blickhan

Zooniverse and the Adler Planetarium

Jonathan Bragg

Allen Institute for AI

Minsuk Chang


Alessandro Checco

The University of Sheffield

Lei Chen

The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Shih-Fen Cheng

Singapore Management University

Gianluca Demartini

The University of Queensland, Australia

Djellel Difallah

New York University

Molly Feldman

Oberlin College

Jorge Goncalves

University of Melbourne

Joshua Introne

Syracuse University

Corey Jackson

University of Wisconsin - Madison

Joseph Jay Williams

University of Toronto

Tianyi Li

Purdue University

Rhema Linder

University of Tennessee, Knoxville

Brian McInnis

UC San Diego

Atsuyuki Morishima

University of Tsukuba

Jonas Oppenlaender

University of Jyväskylä

Jahna Otterbacher

Open University of Cyprus

Hemant Purohit

George Mason University

Eric Ragan

University of Florida

Jeff Rzeszotarski

Cornell University

Akash-Das Sarma


Avi Segal

Ben-Gurion University of the Negev

Jean Song


Jacob Thebault-Spieker

University of Wisconsin - Madison

Beth Trushkowsky

Harvey Mudd College

Santosh Vempala

Georgia Tech

Jerome Waldispuhl

McGill University

Anbang Xu


Seid Muhie Yimam

Universität Hamburg, Germany

Conference Steering Committee (2021-2022)

Lora Aroyo

Committee Co-Chair and HCOMP 2020 Co-Chair

Jeffrey Bigham

Carnegie Mellon University and Apple
HCOMP 2014 Co-Chair

Yiling Chen

Harvard University
HCOMP 2012 Chair and 2018 Co-Chair

Eric Horvitz

Microsoft Research
HCOMP 2013 Co-Chair

Panos Ipeirotis

New York University
HCOMP 2015 & 2011 Co-Chair

Gabriella Kazai

HCOMP 2018 Co-Chair

Edith Law

University of Waterloo, Canada
HCOMP 2019 Co-Chair

Matthew Lease

University of Texas at Austin and Amazon
HCOMP 2016 Co-Chair

Elena Simperl

King's College London
Committee Co-Chair and HCOMP 2020 Co-Chair


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  • Join crowd-hcomp Google Group (mailing list) to post and receive crowdsourcing and human computation email announcements (e.g., calls-for-papers, job openings, etc.) including updates here about the conference. To subscribe send an email to
  • Check our Google Group webpage to view the archive of past communications on the HCOMP mailing list.
  • Keep track of our twitter hashtag #HCOMP2024.
  • Join the HCOMP Slack Community to be in touch with researchers, industry players, practitioners, and crowd workers around Human Computation and relevant topics.