CrowdCamp is a recurring HCOMP workshop which brings together human computation and crowdsourcing researchers and industry practitioners for collective work to develop new ideas into concrete outputs: in-depth thoughts on hard problems, paper or coded prototypes, experiment design and data mining. We will discuss future visions and make tangible headway on those visions, as well as seeding collaboration. The outputs from discussion, brainstorming, and building will persist after the workshop for attendees and the community to view.
Visit the Workshop's Website for additional details about it.
The workshop will be held at the primary conference venue, the AT&T Executive Conference Center.
Past CrowdCamps have shown a strong track-record of bringing together diverse teams of researchers, engineers, and students who work passionately together on well-scoped project ideas. Many participants have continued working on their projects beyond CrowdCamp, generating impactful publications and fruitful collaborations. A few examples include: