Good bye, see you at HCOMP 2021!

HCOMP 2020

The eighth AAAI Conference on Human Computation and Crowdsourcing

  Oct 25–29 2020     Hilversum, NL   @hcomp_conf#HCOMP2020

   JOIN NOW! CrowdCamp2020 introduced an exciting online data challenge - CATS4ML: Crowdsourcing Adverse Test Sets for Machine Learning. The challenge is open for participation until 30 April, 2021.

By participating in this challenge you will join the global research community in using the power of crowdsourcing to discover AI blindspots in the Open Images Dataset.

Winning contributions will be presented at CrowdCamp 2021 and invited to co-author a paper describing the research breakthroughs.

   HCOMP2020 goes virtual! Read the full announcement here.

   Check the list of accepted papers and conference proceedings.

   Visual summaries of talks and sessions are now available here.

Welcome to HCOMP 2020!

The 8th AAAI Conference on Human Computation and Crowdsourcing (HCOMP 2020) will be held October 25–29th virtually at The Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision in Hilversum, The Netherlands. Check the detailed announcement for the virtual edition.

HCOMP is the home of the human computation and crowdsourcing community. It’s the premier venue for presenting latest findings from research and practice into frameworks, methods and systems that bring together people and machine intelligence to achieve better results.

While artificial intelligence (AI) and human-computer interaction (HCI) represent traditional mainstays of the conference, HCOMP believes strongly in fostering and promoting broad, interdisciplinary research. Our field is particularly unique in the diversity of disciplines it draws upon and contributes to, including human-centered qualitative studies and HCI design, social computing, artificial intelligence, economics, computational social science, digital humanities, policy, and ethics. We promote the exchange of advances in human computation and crowdsourcing not only among researchers, but also engineers and practitioners, to encourage dialogue across disciplines and communities of practice.

This year, we especially invite works that will generate new insights into the quality (or qualities) of human-annotated datasets, including elements such as reliability and replicability of human computation and crowdsourcing experiments, novel metrics for aggregation of results, and holistic approaches to deal with bias, fairness and interpretability.

HCOMP 2020 builds on a successful history of past meetings: seven HCOMP conferences (2013–2019) and four earlier workshops, held at the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (2011–2012), and the ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (2009–2010). We are excited to welcome you to this year's virtual edition of the conference.

We are pleased to announce five fantastic keynote speakers:

Julia Noordegraaf

University of Amsterdam

Pietro Perona


Anna Ridler


Chris Welty


Mounia Lalmas


Underline Science will produce and host the virtual content for HCOMP 2020 on, the world’s first live streaming and digital library platform for cutting-edge conference lectures, research and discussions.

HCOMP 2020 content, including live streams, talks, workshops, poster presentations, demos, slide decks and papers will be available for viewing on Attendees will be joining the conference from around the globe. Most content will be available to them during and after the event no matter what time zone they live in. The programme will also include live streams, including the main tracks of the conference, scheduled mostly in the afternoon in Europe to allow for a larger share of the global community to engage. In this way, Underline’s platform maximises scholarship, interactivity and networking opportunities for HCOMP 2020.

Underline is the world’s first virtual conference platform and digital repository for events in academia, science, medicine and other professional fields. Underline’s online video platform is custom-built for scientific and academic events, and their Emmy Award-winning production team is aggregating and hosting conference content in both live and virtual environments, allowing presenters to reach new global audiences while also giving meeting attendees the ability to watch or re-watch any content during and after conferences.


We welcome everyone who is interested in crowdsourcing and human computation to:

  • Join crowd-hcomp Google Group (mailing list) to post and receive crowdsourcing and human computation email announcements (e.g., calls-for-papers, job openings, etc.) including updates here about the conference. To subscribe send an email to
  • Check our Google Group webpage to view the archive of past communications on the HCOMP mailing list.
  • Keep track of our twitter hashtag #HCOMP2024.
  • Join the HCOMP Slack Community to be in touch with researchers, industry players, practitioners, and crowd workers around Human Computation and relevant topics.